Sri Lanka day 25 – Arugam Bay

Arugam Bay is definitely work-in-progress. Hit hard by the tsunami in 2004, much has been rebuilt, with tight restrictions which prevent development within 10 metres of the beach. There is still evidence of the devastation wrought by the tsunami; the odd derelict building, redundant foundations and several buildings awaiting restoration. In fact despite the time that has elapsed, renovations are still going on in most of the guest houses, including the Tsumani, and it’s not unsual to be serenaded by a buzz saw or some other piece of building equipment as we sit on our porch looking down to the sea. What has been rebuilt is mostly cabana-style low rise huts in keeping, one suspects, with what was here before and most of which don’t break the tree-line. Fortunately Arugam Bay it has been spared the worse excesses of tourist commercialism and at this time of year we have the place almost to ourselves.

Not much to do but chill today, although we take a stroll north along the beach towards Pottuvil and the sandbar that separates the see from a small inland lagoon. Lunch at Lucky’s and a rather underwhelming beach bbq at Rocco’s in the evening.

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