Australia day 75 – Kalbarri, WA

We take a long walk along the town beach round the heads and south along the coast.   It’s possible to walk as far as Red Bluff beach nearly 6 kilometres away, but we content ourselves with a shorter stroll which still takes us most of the afternoon.  From the viewpoint at the heads there is a good close-up view of the melee of waves that converge on the rock bar at the mouth of the river.  A white beach backing onto sand dunes stretches all the way to Red Bluff Beach.  Jaggedy rocks emerge from the sand at the water’s edge  to create a wide shelf –  the remnants of long-since eroded cliffs.-  against which the swell of the ocean gather force to unleashes mighty curling waves that pound the shore.  The energy and power is mesmerising holding an enduring fascination.  Is it possible to tire of watching a wild sea?

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