Thailand day 3 – Chiang Mai

The weather here has been glorious ever since we arrived;  blue skies and sun, but not too hot, just perfect for sightseeing.  We are thinking of doing some trekking whilst we are here, but first we need to arrange our flights to New Zealand.  We are trying to organise things so that Matt and Dan  can come to join us for 9 days at the end of the month, so that is taking a bit of juggling of dates, flights and visas!  Our first stop is a travel agents to get some prices for flights to NZ which are around £475 each from Bangkok which, based on our internet research, is a good price.  Let’s hope they are still available when we come to book!  Next stop the immigration office to confirm we can get an extension on our visa without leaving the country and returning.  It turns out that the maximum visa extension we can get from immigration in Chiang Mai is 7 days, alternatively we could do a day trip to Myanmar and get a new visa for 15 days for free!  Only the latter would over-ride our current visa which expires on 25th January (not so good).  After lunch we visit three more temples and discover in the process that the temple we visited yesterday was not in fact Chiang Mai Man but another which we have been unable, as yet, to identify.  Today we visit Chiang Mai Man (wonderfully ornate) and Wat Chedi Luang (less ornate but beautifully built of teak).  We round off our day with a visit to the local computer plaza – we’re thinking of upgrading the Asus, prompted mainly by the fact that we somehow managed to crack the screen

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